Atlantic Mayors’ Congress
Terms of Reference
The mayors of municipalities throughout Atlantic Canada are called upon to deal with many issues in common. By participating in this congress they may share information, stimulate economic development and tourism, develop unified policy in dealing with other levels of government, forge bonds of mutual support and lobby other levels of government.
- To share information on common issues facing municipalities in Atlantic Canada
- To seek economic benefits through shared resources
- To forge policy agreements which will influence decisions by the respective provincial governments
- To forge policy agreements which will influence decisions by the federal government
- To explore means of mutual support for delivery of municipal services
- To pursue economic development within a regional perspective
- To promote regional tourism
- To promote the development of a regional database of information on municipalities
- To promote stronger ties with municipalities and municipal associations in the New England states and in Quebec
- To negotiate on going projects or programs which are mutually beneficial and jointly funded by members of the congress
The mayors of municipalities having a population over 10,000, one (1) representative from Labrador, one (1) representative from each Province’s Association of Municipalities.
$750. Municipal Members $500. Affiliated Municipal Associations
- The congress will meet twice annually in the spring and fall.
- One meeting per year will be held in Halifax and on a rotational basis one member municipality will host the second meeting.
- the mayor of the host municipality will be responsible for the logistical details associated with the meeting in that municipality in cooperation with other members
- mayor participants will be responsible for travel and accommodations and all other associated cost with attending the congress meeting
- mayor participants will submit agenda items or proposals for presentations at least one month in advance with supporting data and suggested speaker
- resolutions will proceed by standard rules of order
- members at all time maintain a decorum of mutual respect – while views may differ the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect must prevail
- an item may be added to the agenda for consideration by a congress member with the consent of the congress
- agenda items may be revised as to order from time to time with the consent of the majority of members
- a joint statement should be issued at the conclusion of each session of the congress; it should reflect the disposition of each item discussed as well as indicate actions which will be taken as a result of discussion
- proceeding of each congress session should be published, and delivered to each member of the congress by the host mayor within thirty days
- Correspondence and representations on behalf of the congress shall be undertaken by the Chair.
- responses to correspondence or representations will be circulated to members
- All meetings of the Atlantic Mayors’ Congress are open to the public.
- Minutes of the Atlantic Mayors’ Congress meetings will be made available to the public, upon request.